We recommend the following for a successful rental:

housing to a tee dining room
  • For bedding, have two to three sets of nice quality sheets per bed (*dependent on how many guest turnovers during the week).
  • Several sets of nice quality white towels & washcloths per bathroom.
  • Refrigerator and freezer must be clean and emptied.
  • Leave adequate shelves & space available in the pantry.
  • Closets do not have to be empty, but there needs to be obvious space for guests to hang clothes along with an ample supply of hangers.
  • Supply soap for all bathrooms and the kitchen. We suggest liquid soap, so that bar soap does not have to be changed daily.
  • It is preferable to schedule a deep clean of your home prior to guest arrival. You may also want to consider washing windows and/or pressure washing your home and the surrounding areas if there are any signs of mildew residue.
  • Schedule housekeeper according to the guests request for service (ex. beginning and end of stay, daily, or otherwise requested).
  • Leave an adequate supply of cleaning supplies for the housekeeper to use.
  • Make an emergency list of contacts for businesses you use for plumbing, heating & air, etc. along with your number in the event the renter has a question or a problem.
  • Leave directions and passwords for wifi access & the alarm system. If there is complicated TV access and/or remotes, please leave directions for their use.